Monsters vs Aliens is the game based on the upcoming Dreamworks movie. Since this is a computer-animated movie, the graphics on the game are mostly identical to those on the movie. The plot is almost the same: humanity is about to be invaded by aliens and "monsters" made by the US government have to save the World. Those monsters are funny creatures and the whole game is full of funny cinematic sequences. The game itself is a 3rd person, adventure game. You control a character in a 3D world and have to reach the end of levels by eliminating enemies and solving puzzles. The controls are accessible and anyone can master the few moves that each player has. Each one of them have different abilities and weaknesses, but the game isn't hard enough for those to mean anything. Monsters vs Aliens is a fun game and an OK experience, but it isn't deep and its replay value is non-existent, at best. I am sure children can have a blast playing this game, but adults will most likely get bored not too deep into the game. The demo version of the game consists of 3 levels and 3 playable characters. For each character you choose a different level will be played. This serves a simple purpose; each character has its own strengths and weaknesses. So, some of them will take you to a platforming level where you will fight an enemy, and some will have you racing someone. Those 3 levels are plenty for you to realize if you are going to like to game or get bored quickly by it.
In an alien and inhospitable world; dodge, outwit, and overcome alien monsters.